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Masterpieces of Modern Mexico
HomeExhibitionsMasterpieces of Modern Mexico

Masterpieces of Modern Mexico

Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera and Masterpieces of Modern Mexico from the Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection

More than 100 paintings, sculptures, photographs and drawings by artists such as Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera showcase the rich artistic traditions of the Mexico of yesterday and celebrate the vitality of Mexican art today. Never before seen in this region, art from the Gelman collection includes a variety of subject matter and styles that range from the figurative to the surreal, the abstract and the conceptual. Share in the passion that inspired this exceptional private collection of Mexican art.

Eastern European immigrants Jacques and Natasha Gelman became Mexican citizens in 1942. As they fell in love with their adopted homeland, they established friendships with generations of Mexican artists. In recent years the Vergel Foundation has acquired art in the Gelmans’ name to ensure that their passion for Mexican art continues to live and grow.

Diego en mi pensamiento (Diego on My Mind) by Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo, Mexican (1907–1954). Diego en mi pensamiento (Diego on My Mind), 1943. Oil on Masonite, 29 7/8 x 24 inches. The Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection of 20th Century Mexican Art. The Vergel Foundation. Conaculta/INBA. © 2013 Banco de México Diego Rivera Frida Kahlo Museums Trust, Mexico, D.F. / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

Community Connection

The Nelson-Atkins is privileged to collaborate on this exhibition with students from 3rd and 5th grade classes at Shawanoe Elementary in Kansas and juniors and seniors from University Academy in Missouri. Labels they wrote for the exhibition share stories inspired by art in the Gelman collection.

Resource Guide

Click here for a bibliography of titles about the Gelmans’ collection as well as books and on-line resources about several of the Mexican artists represented in their collection. Visit the Spencer Art Research Library to explore even more.

This exhibition has been organized by The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art with the Vergel Foundation, through support of the Donald J. Hall Initiative.

Generous funding has been received from The Keith and Margie Weber Foundation, Belger Cartage Service, Inc., the Campbell-Calvin Fund and Elizabeth C. Bonner Charitable Trust for exhibitions, and our donors to the Annual Fund.