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Flowers to Frost
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Flowers to Frost

Flowers to Frost: Four Seasons in East Asian Art

Admission is free.

“The generative forces of Heaven and Earth crystallize, gradually unfolding the four seasons and morning and evening.”
– Shitao, Chinese artist (1642-1707)

In East Asian culture the four seasons are regarded as an expression of the cycles of nature and a harmonious universe. For centuries they have inspired artists in China, Japan and Korea, who often added poetic inscriptions to their art. Whether portraying flowers, landscapes or seasonal activities, these artists evoke emotion and activate our senses. Their art goes beyond literal depiction, becoming meditations on the passing of time and our connection to nature.

This exhibition features various works by the artists from each culture. Chinese painters convey seasonal references through brushwork and poetry. Japanese woodblock-print artists embed seasonal colors and hues into the vibrant images. Today, a Korean artist reinvigorates the celebration of the seasons with a work of lively video art.

New Bamboo 新竹 (指頭雜畫冊). by Gao Qipei 高其佩
Gao Qipei 高其佩, Chinese (1660-1734). New Bamboo 新竹 (指頭雜畫冊). Album leaf, ink and color on paper, Image: 14 1/8 x 22 9/16 inches. Purchase: The Mrs. George H. Bunting Jr. Fund, F79-48/6.