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Electromediascope 2010
HomeExhibitionsElectromediascope 2010

Electromediascope 2010

Shifting Frames of Reference

Feb 12-26, 2010

Lu Chunsheng and Seoungho Cho’s video works examine and call into question local experiences that ultimately have to do with how we know and re-imagine the world, and how our bodies know and respond to both inner and outer space. Ken Kobland and Ernie Gehr explore beauty and the pleasure of shifting visual perceptions of places that have been constructed and inhabited over time.

These works explore the flow of everyday life through changing relationships between absence and presence, and constrained and motivated perceptual experiences within the context of unexpected, shifting frames of reference.

Fall 2010
Wave Engergies FeedBack: 30 Years of Electronic Media at Kansas City Art Institute
Oct 8-22, 2010

In celebration of the Kansas City Art Institute’s 125th Anniversary, this Electromediascope Program features works by KCAI alumni from the past 30 years.

Video works by MK12 and Kevin Berg. Live sound and video performance by Kristian Derek Ball and Dwight Frizzell.

Signal-Cross Over by Signal-Cross Over
Signal-Cross Over, Kristie Alshaibi. Image still courtesy of the artist.