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Dürer to Tiepolo: Works on Paper
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Dürer to Tiepolo: Works on Paper

Dürer to Tiepolo: Works on Paper

This group of prints and drawings, dating from the 15th through the 18th centuries, represents some of the finest in the Museum’s collection. Techniques mastered by some of the most exceptionally skilled European artists are represented. Although the subject matter in these drawings and prints varies widely, it is possible to trace a fascinating dialogue between an idealism oftentimes applied to classical sources and a determined realism achieved through close observation of nature.

Title Page to the Punchinello Series by Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo, Italian (1727–1804). Title Page to the Punchinello Series, ca. 1800. Brown ink and wash over black chalk on paper, 11 1/2 x 16 inches. Purchase: Nelson Trust, 32-193/9.