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Contemporary American Studio Ceramics
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Contemporary American Studio Ceramics

Contemporary American Studio Ceramics

The turn of the twentieth century brought about two significant changes in American studio ceramic production.

Ceramics came to be seen as a purely aesthetic art form that did not necessarily need to be functional. With this change of purpose came the emergence of the studio potter, who was involved in all phases of production including clay preparation, shaping, decorating, glaze formulation, glazing and firing. This exhibition features works by studio potters from the whimsical, trompe l’oeil lighthouse of Richard Shaw to the colorful, Asian-inspired designs of Victor Babu.

Lighthouse at Bolinas by Richard Shaw
Richard Shaw, American, b. 1941. Lighthouse at Bolinas, 1983. Porcelain with decal overglaze. Given in memory of Jim Morgan by a group of his friends, F84-15 A-C.