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Asian Influence on American Ceramics
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Asian Influence on American Ceramics

Asian Influence on American Ceramics

Since the middle of the 19th century, Asian goods have entered the United States, influencing American art, particularly ceramics.

In the late 19th century, American museums and individuals assembled collections of Asian works reflecting a growing interest in exotic objects and materials.

During the 1940s and 1950s, American artists were exposed first-hand to Asian art and culture, and the simple forms, experimental glazes and abstracted, gestural decoration began to dominate American ceramics.

In Gallery L7, Asian works of art from the Museum’s collections are exhibited with 20th-century American ceramics. The dialogue between and assimilation of Asian and American traditions on display demonstrate the close ties between the ceramic legacies.

Four-Legged Vessel by Kenneth Ferguson
Kenneth Ferguson, American (1928-2004). Four-Legged Vessel, 2004. Stoneware with slip. Acquired through the generosity of the Richard M. and Carol H. Levin Foundation, F95-2 A,B.